Just a slice of our successes...

We have many more for you to review at the time of a personal consultation. As you'll notice by the dates on some of the creative examples, we've been around a while! Therefore, we know what works, and possibly more importantly, what doesn't.

Print Portfolio Radio production Direct MarCom

Calgary Premium Upgrade LetterInsight Upgrade Self MailerMini-Tier Upgrade
Outer Banks HBO UpgradeTell-A-Friend CouponSuddenlink Cebridge Customer Rate Notice
Verizon Wireless UpgradeComcast Direct Sales Flyer Connector Newsletter
Suddenlink Cebridge Red Hot Brochure Suddenlink Cebridge Red Hot Acquisition Letter
Honor Society Brochure 1Honor Society Brochure 2

Radio Portfolio Radio production Direct MarCom

Feel free to listen to the following audio files of our past marketing successes. Of course, these are only some of the the creative media involved in campaigns that touched on most areas of business. What you can't see here are the strategic development efforts, extensive intra-company communications and training that made these campaigns such good performers.

We not only produce radio and TV spots and arrange for DJ endorsements, but also can negotiate the best rates in your market. We research and identify your target audience to ensure your advertising dollars enjoy the best reach and frequency allowed by your budget.

To play the radio commercial, simply click on the MP3 icon.

Red Hot Sale radio advertisementRed Hot Sale

Superchannel This Month radio advertisement Super Channel This Month

Superchannel Movie Weekend 1 radio advertisment Super Channel Movie Weekend 1

Superchannel Movie Weekend 2 radio advertisement Super Channel Movie Weekend 2

Late Night NBC radio advertisement Late Night NBC

Late Night NBC 2 radio commercial Late Night NBC 2

Christmas on Cable radio commercial Christmas on Cable

One Cent Sale radio commercial One Cent Sale